Friday, January 23, 2015


Just recently, we accidentally turned onto a FOX-TV program about the early-day apprenticeships of former vice-president, Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld and economist Arthur Laffer, during the presidency of Gerald Ford.  It was disgusting seeing these notorious, criminal and unprosecuted ex-politicians, Cheney and Rumsfeld, playing the role of big shots as they began their ascent to becoming big-time politicians and being architects, in the regime of Bush II, of the most disastrous foreign policy in American history.  Of course, the extremist rightist station, FOX, presented these Neanderthals as politicians to be respected and fawned over, even knowing that these two influential members of the former regime are largely responsible for much of  the geopolitical mess that the United States is mired in, today, not that the present rule of Obama is any better, nor has any real intent of being anything other than a replica of the regime that they replaced.

[First posted on Commoner on 12/28/14; revised on 12/29/14.]