Sunday, December 20, 2009

Clinton's Bad Legacy

Give the devil his due: the sleazy ex-president from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, knew how to play politics. Running as a conservative Democrat from the South, in the mold of Jimmy Carter, Clinton managed to build on the same Carterite coalition to win the Democratic nomination and the presidency in 1992. The moment he got into office, the Democrat looked as Republican as anyone the Republicans offered up during the election, and in some instances even more so.

The flim-flam artist from Arkansas got rid of the guaranteed federal entitlement for aid to families with dependent children, enacted most of the globalization pacts that are bedeviling the economy to this day (WTO, NAFTA, etc.), including sending a great portion, if not most, of our manufacturing production capability overseas, decimated the F.D.R.-era Glass-Steagall Act, which until Clinton's new rules kept the banks fairly honest, but since then has opened up a financial hornet's nest, and emblazoned a gingoistic imperial arrogance in the same model as the corrupt Reagan-Bush I period.

In effect, Clinton told progressive Democrats, too bad if you don't like the Republicanization of the Democratic Party that I am implementing, because there's no place else for you to go. The little, meek progressive surrogates said, "Yessir," re-elected him, and went on about the business of taking their slots in the new right-wing Democratic-Republican Party. Despite all his talk about "hope and change," Barack Obama has gladly taken over the remnants of what Bill Clinton has left of the Democratic Party after an 8 year interregnum of the most repugnant and despicable administration in the history of America: Bush II (a period in which almost anything directly afterwards would be hard put not to look like a mirage of the Garden of Eden). Now do you think we need a strong, national third political party?

[revised on 12/27/09]

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Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Philosophy of "Commons"

"Commons" is an economically progressive, culturally traditional, environmentalist, non-interventionist, and pro-civil libertarian (especially including the Bill of Rights) party. For further information about the philosophy of the Party of Commons, please, see our "Platform/Manifesto" blog, which has our platform (the manifesto will be coming sometime later this autumn; hopefully in time for our 3rd anniversary next month, Nov. 23rd).

[revised on 10/12/09]


The Party of Commons does not sponsor or produce advertising.

Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM

Friday, June 26, 2009

De Ja Vu: Obama & Bush II

There is really no surprise about this essay's title, because in the battle for the most recent Democratic Party nomination for president, Barack Obama hedged about whether troops should be immediately pulled out of Iraq, and some could have took his slick answers and speeches about the war either way, but those who paid attention most astutely knew that he wasn't going to end the war as soon as he took office. He campaigned as Bush-lite on war, and the Democrats chose him over Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel and Bill Richardson, anyway, all of whom were more forthright than Obama in their positions on ending the war in Iraq. So those who thought they were voting for a peace candidate can see no real difference between Obama and Bush II on foreign policy other than Obama coming across better in speeches.

Why doesn't President Obama just pull the troops out of Iraq? That has also become a good question for the Afghanistan-Pakistan theater of war given Secretary Gates' and the U.S. generals' ineptitude and negligence in that region as the continuing civilian casualty toll in both of those countries doesn't let up. This is causing increasing dissension against our nation in the region, which makes the entire war effort for our troops more difficult. Obama is beginning to look more like LBJ and Bush, Jr., everyday. Time to pull out of Iraq, immediately, and to either catch OBL or begin pulling out of Afghanistan, too.

[First posted on our "Commoner" blog on 6/25/09; revised on 6/26/09.]

Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM

The Party of Commons does not sponsor or produce advertising.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Welcome to Commons South! Our new blog will focus on the Party of Commons and our new party's efforts to extend to the southern parts of the United States, and by southern we mean Hawaii, California, and across the entire southern parts of America stretching to the Atlantic coast.

Copyright 2009, Party of Commons TM